Program Application

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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 30 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 20.00%

    Back Of Bottle™ brings the ingredient space to the forefront by making it the name of the line.

    25 Shampoo + Condition + Styling + Treatment Products

    High Performance

    Innovative formulations crafted with new-to-industry ingredients and technology, designed to allow customization and personalization. Enhanced treatment of the scalp and hair, and augmented performance meticulously tested and refined by expert hairstylists


    Back Of Bottle™ features thoroughly vetted ingredients


    Active natural ingredients that are balancing + conditioning


    Packaged in kind to the earth, highly sustainable materials

    Created by industry pioneers, BOB™ is an inclusive community founded in professional expertise and driven by the desire to connect with others. Sustainability and transparency are at our core, and something we always strive for. With products empowering performance, paired with the sharing and exchanging of knowledge, we believe in building our community beyond retail, and beyond the salon.

    To get involved with the BOB™ professional community, whether that’s sharing in our education offerings, looking to sample products or talking to someone about having BOB™ as part of your business, please give us a call, or send us a message at: 1(833)-882-0919 or [email protected]. Visit for more information.


    This Ambassador Agreement (including any schedules, exhibits or addenda attached hereto, the “Agreement”), is made and entered into as of the date it is last signed (the “Effective Date”), by and between BOB Inc. (“Back of Bottle”), with an address of

    901 Dillingham Road, Pickering, Ontario, Canada and the individual identified in Schedule “A” attached hereto (“Ambassador” or “you”) (each, a “party” and collectively, the “parties”). In consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

    1.  Services.

    Ambassador agrees to provide to Back of Bottle under the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
    the following services as described herein (the “Services”) and in connection with Back of Bottle's Ambassador Program
    (the “Program”). As part of the Services, Ambassador will generate and post original content (including, without
    limitation, text, videos and images) regarding the Back of Bottle brand and Back of Bottle products (collectively the “Content”) on Ambassador’s Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, blog, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, and any other applicable internet
    and/or social media channel that provides for the sharing of an affiliate link (the “Social Channels”) in an effort to generate sales for Back of Bottle, and in exchange, receive monetary consideration as set forth herein from Back of Bottle’s
    third party affiliate link program via the Refersion application/service.

    2. Covenants of Ambassador

    (a)  Ambassador agrees to:

    devote such time, resources and best efforts to the Services as is reasonably necessary to perform them in a professional and
    diligent manner; comply with all applicable laws and regulations; determine, in Ambassador’s discretion, the time, place, manner, means, methods and independent/personal resources by which the Services are performed and achieved; provide and utilize Ambassador’s own equipment, tools and other resources in performing the Services but Back of Bottle will provide to Ambassador certain informational materials to facilitate the creation of Ambassador’s created content to Ambassador’s Social Channels(such templates and other materials are collectively referred to as the “Back of Bottle Materials”); and will be responsible for (i)

    creating and editing the Content and (ii) posting on their owned Social Channels.

    Ambassador agrees that it will not, and shall refrain doing any of the following from during the Term:       

    make any derogatory statements about Back of Bottle and/or Back of Bottle products; link to any third-party

    websites, other than the Social Channels, or otherwise redirect visitors of Ambassador’s Social Channels to third-party websites; resell or distribute any Back of Bottle products, including those received for free or as gifts, for commercial purposes; promote Back

    of Bottle products, the Back of Bottle brand, or the Ambassador’s Social Channels via any paid media channels,
    website, media, social media, or electronic presence or resource that may be considered pornographic, lewd, offensive to a reasonable person; and engage in any fraudulent transactions, as reasonably determined by Back of Bottle, including without limitation making transactions from Ambassador’s IP addresses or computers under Ambassador’s control.

    3.  Compensation.

    In consideration for the Services, Back of Bottle will pay to Ambassador a
    percentage of the Net Revenue (as defined below) collected by Back of Bottle in accordance with the commission
    set out in Schedule “A” attached hereto (the “Commission(s)”). For purposes of this Agreement, “Net Revenue” means the retail selling price actually received by Back of Bottle from Qualifying Orders (as defined below), less amounts paid for using store credit or gift certificates, taxes, duties and transaction-based costs and expenses, including but not limited to payment process fees and shipping fees. For purposes of this Agreement, a “Qualifying Order” is a third-party customer (“Customer”) transaction
    for the purchase of Back of Bottle product(s), regardless of the number of products being purchased, via the Ambassador’s Social Channels that are made by a method of payment accepted by Back of Bottle. For clarity, each purchase transaction shall count as one Qualifying Order. The Commission is also only paid to Ambassador if Qualifying Order is final - any returns will cause
    that specific Commission to be deducted out of the current month’s payouts.  The Commission will be calculated solely
    based on records maintained by Back of Bottle using its standard methodologies. Back of Bottle will pay Ambassador its Commission quarterly. Commissions due hereunder will be made by Back of Bottle to Ambassador through its payment processor (“Trolley”), which, as of the Effective Date, is Trolley Inc. Ambassador is solely responsible for creating and maintaining a Payment
    Processor account, and communicating such account information to Back of Bottle for purposes of receiving the
    payments set forth herein. Back of Bottle is not responsible for making any payments based on any amounts which result
    from any fraudulent transactions, as reasonably determined by Back of Bottle, including without limitation
    any transactions originating from Ambassador's IP addresses or computers under Ambassador's control.

    4.  Confidentiality.

    (a) Definition.

    “Confidential Information” means all trade secrets and confidential or proprietary information, whether or not in writing, concerning Back of Bottle's business technology, business relationships or financial affairs which Back of Bottle has not released to the general public. By way of illustration, Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, information or material which has not been made generally available to the public, such as: (i) corporate information, including plans, strategies, method, policies,
    resolutions, negotiations or litigation; (ii) marketing information, including strategies methods, customer identities or other information about customers, prospect identities or other information about prospects, or market analyses or projections; (iii) financial information, including cost and performance data (iv) operational and technological information, including plans, specifications, manuals, forms, templates, software, designs, methods, procedures, formulas, discoveries, inventions improvements, concepts and ideas; and (v) personnel information, including personnel lists, reporting or organizational structure, resumes, personnel data. Confidential Information also includes information received in confidence by Back of Bottle from its
    customers or suppliers or other third parties.

    (b) Non-Disclosure and Non-Use Obligations.

    Ambassador will not, at any time, without Back of Bottle 's prior written permission, either during or after the term of this Agreement, disclose any Confidential Information to anyone outside of Back of Bottle, or use or permit to be used any Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of the Services for or on behalf of Back of Bottle. Ambassador will cooperate with Back of Bottle and use best efforts to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or use of any and all Confidential Information.
    Ambassador will deliver to Back of Bottle all copies of Confidential Information in Ambassador's possession or control
    upon the earlier of a request by Back of Bottle or termination of this Agreement for any reason.

    (c) Information of Third Parties.

    Ambassador understands that Back of Bottle is now and may hereafter be subject to non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements with third persons which require Back of Bottle to protect or refrain from use of Confidential Information. Ambassador agrees to be bound by the terms of such agreements in the event Ambassador has access to such Confidential Information.

    5.  Intellectual
    Property Rights.

    (a) Content License.

    Ambassador hereby grants to Back of Bottle and its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns: An unrestricted, fully-paid, royalty free, transferable and irrevocable rights, power and authority to use, reproduce, publish, print, distribute, transmit, copy or otherwise use any of the Content, worldwide and perpetuity, in whole or in part, on any medium known now or later discovered, for the purpose of its advertisements, promotions, marketing activities, public relations, educational and other commercial or non-commercial purposes, subject only to the payment made to Ambassador. Ambassador shall have the revocable, unlimited, perpetual and worldwide right to use the Content, for Ambassador’s promotional purposes, in any and all media now known or hereafter developed. With respect to Content which portrays Ambassador’s face, body and

    voice (the “Restricted Materials”), Back of Bottle shall have the right to use the Restricted Materials upon prior approval from Ambassador.

    (b)  Back of Bottle Materials and Trademark.

    Except for Ambassador's limited right to use the Back of Bottle Materials solely in connection with performing the Services, Back of
    Bottle retains all right title and interest in the Back of Bottle Materials, including all related intellectual property rights. Back of Bottle
    hereby grants to Ambassador, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use and display Back of Bottle’s name,
    website address, logo and trade names (the “Marks”), solely during the Term and solely in connection with performing the Services.

    (c) Use of Trademarks.

    Ambassador agrees that any use of the Marks will comply with Back of Bottle's quality standards and trademark guidelines, which may be provided by Back of Bottle’s to Ambassador from time to time (if any) will solely inure to the benefit of Back of Bottle. The Marks are proprietary and nothing in this Agreement constitutes the grant of a general license for their use. Ambassador does not acquire any right, title or interest in the Marks or the goodwill associated therewith. Ambassador agrees not to (A) attack the
    Marks or assist anyone in attack in the Marks, and (B) make any application to register the Marks or use any confusingly similar trademark, service mark, trade name, iconography, or derivation thereof including, but not limited to, the registration of any domain name including any of the Marks, during the term of this Agreement and thereafter.

    (d) Other Developments.

    Ambassador hereby grants to Back of Bottle and its affiliated companies, successors and assigns, the royalty-free, perpetual, unrestricted, transferable, irrevocable sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display any content or other materials, other than the Content (i) submitted to Back of Bottle in connection with the Program or (ii) otherwise created by Ambassador
    in connection with the Services, (collectively, the “Other Developments”)

    6.  Federal Trade
    Commission Requirements

    Ambassador acknowledges and agrees that the provisions of the Federal Trade Commission's Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising (the “Guides”) apply to Ambassador's provision of the Services hereunder. Ambassador represents and warrants that Ambassador has read and understands the Guides and their requirements, and that the Content and Other Developments (including, without limitation, social media communications regarding Back
    of Bottle products, the Back of Bottle brand and/or the Program) will contain clear and prominent disclosures
    compliant with the Guides.

    7.  Ambassador Representations and Warranties.
    Ambassador represents and warrants that:

    Ambassador is at least 18 year of age and legally allowed to live and work in Ambassador’s country of residence; the Services will be performed in a professional, lawful and workmanlike manner, in accordance with any terms and conditions set forth herein and in the Back of Bottle Materials; the Content and Other Developments are Ambassador's original work and Ambassador has the right and title to grant the rights to Back of Bottle to use the Content and Other Developments as set forth herein; use of the Content by Back of Bottle will not infringe or involve the misappropriation of any third-party rights; all clearances and licenses relating to the

    use of the Content or Other Developments have been obtained by Ambassador; and except as expressly set forth herein, no fee,

    compensation or any other payment whatsoever will be payable by Back of Bottle for any Content or Other Developments or any content or material incorporated therein to any third party; Ambassador will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including the Guides.

    8.  Indemnification

    Ambassador shall indemnify and hold Back of Bottle, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, agents and employees harmless from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages and judgments, including court costs and attorneys' fees, arising out of or based upon the Services and/or Ambassador's performance thereof including, but not limited to, (a) any claim that the
    Services provided hereunder or, any related intellectual property rights or the exercise of any rights in or to any Content, Other
    Development, Ambassador IP or related intellectual property rights infringe on, constitute a misappropriation of the subject matter of, or otherwise violate any patent, copyright, trade secret, or trademark of any person or breaches any person' s contractual rights; and (b) any breach or alleged breach by Ambassador of any representation, warranty, certification, covenant, obligation or other agreement set forth in this Agreement.

    9.  Term;

    This Agreement will commence on the Effective Date and
    continue until terminated by either party as set forth herein (the “Term”).
    Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon giving the other party at least seven (7) days'
    prior written notice thereof. Upon any termination of this Agreement, all rights and duties of the parties toward each other shall cease, except that the following Sections shall survive: 3 (with respect to any Net Revenue accrued during the term of this Agreement but not yet paid); 4(a), 4(b), 4(c) and 5 through 13 (inclusive).

    10.  Independent
    Contractor; No Agency.

    Ambassador is not and shall not be deemed an employee, agent, joint venture or partner of Back of
    Bottle, and neither party shall have any right or authority to assume or create any obligation on behalf of or bind the other party in any manner whatsoever.

    11.  Limitation of


     12.   Equitable

    Ambassador and Back of Bottle agree that it would be impossible or inadequate to measure and calculate Back of Bottle's damages from any breach by Ambassador of this Agreement. Accordingly, Ambassador and Back of Bottle agree that if Ambassador breachesthis Agreement, Back of Bottle will have available, in addition to any other right or remedy, the right to obtain from any court of competent jurisdiction an injunction restraining such breach or threatened breach and/or for specific performance of sections 4, 5 and 8 hereof. Ambassador and Back of Bottle further agree that no bond or other security shall be required in obtaining such equitable relief and Ambassador and Back of Bottle, hereby consent to the issuances of such injunction and to the ordering of such specific performance.

    13.  Governing Law,
    Jurisdiction and Venue.

    The provisions of this Agreement will be construed and enforced in accordance with, and any dispute arising out of or in connection
    with this Agreement, including any action in tort, will be governed by, the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada.
    Each party hereby irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts within the Province of Ontario,

    14.  Notices.

    All notices or other communications, required or permitted to be given hereunder, shall be in writing and shall be delivered
    electronically, personally or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the parties at their addresses
    as set forth above. Any notice given electronically shall be deemed received on the business day following transmission. Any notice mailed in accordance with the terms hereof shall be deemed received on the third day following the day of mailing. Either party may change the address to which such notices to such party may be given hereunder by serving proper notice of such
    change of address to the other party.

    15.  Miscellaneous.

    If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid by any court or arbitrator having competent jurisdiction, then the meaning of said provision shall be construed, to the extent feasible, so as to render the provision enforceable, and if no feasible interpretation would save such provision, it shall be severed from the remainder of this Agreement which shall remain in full force
    and effect. Failure of Back of Bottle to act on or enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a
    waiver of that provision or any other provision of this Agreement. No waiver shall be effective against Back of Bottle
    unless made in writing, and no such waiver shall be construed as a waiver in any other or subsequent instance. Except as expressly agreed by Back of Bottle and Ambassador, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Ambassador and Back of Bottle with respect to the subject matter, and supersedes all previous or contemporaneous agreements, whether written or oral, between the parties with respect to the subject matter. The section headings are provided merely for convenience, and shall not be given any legal import. Neither this Agreement nor any right hereunder or interest herein may be assigned or transferred by Ambassador without the express written consent of Back of Bottle. Back of Bottle may assign any or all of its rights and obligations under this Agreement without Ambassador's written consent to any affiliate or to another third-party affiliate by way of
    merger, acquisition, consolidation, or sale or transfer of all or substantially all of Back of Bottle's assets or capital
    stock. Any attempted assignment, delegation or transfer to a third party in violation hereof shall be null and void. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall be binding on the parties and their successors and assigns.




    Commission Percentage: [INSERT 20%] of Net Revenue* FOR SALON OWNERS/MANAGERS; [INSERT 15%] of Net Revenue* FOR EDITORS/INFL

    *Back of Bottle may, from time to time at its sole discretion, offer promotions which could increase commission percentages as

    BOB Privacy Policy – Refersion Affiliate Program

    1. Who Is Collecting Your Personal Data?

      Back of Bottle, LLC BOB Inc. ("us," "we," or "our") offers and maintains the website(s)
      located at, including all subdomains and subparts, as well as our
       social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms (collectively, the “Site”). When you visit the Site, you may choose to provide us with personal data that identifies you. This Privacy Policy explains how we process and use your personal data, and it applies regardless of how you access the Site.
    2. Please take time to read this Privacy Policy carefully. Please also review
      Terms of Use.


      If you are a resident of a country, like Canada, that is outside the
      United States and the European Union and provides similar data subject
      rights to those provided in the GDPR, you should review the GDPR provisions
      of this Global Privacy Policy and contact us if you have any questions
      at [[email protected]]

    3. What Personal Data Do We Collect?

      When you provide it to us, we collect information that identifies you
      (“Personal Data”), such as your:


      •Salon Name

      • Salon City

      •Email address

      •Telephone number

      •Payment information


      When you visit the Site, we collect data from the device or browser
      through which you access the Site (“Log Data”), such as:

      •Your internet protocol (“IP”) address

      •Browser type

      •Browser version

      •Statistics on your activities on the Site (such as the date and time of
      visits, the pages viewed, time spent at the Site)

      •Information about how you came to the Site

      •Data collected through Cookies or other similar technologies discussed in
      more detail in our Cookie Policy.

      Much of this Log Data does not identify you personally. However, we may
      associate this Log Data with your Personal Data. When we do, we will treat
      any such combined data as Personal Data until such time as it can no
      longer be associated with you or used to identify you.

    4. What Is The Lawful Basis for Processing Your Personal Data?

      We collect your Personal Data after receiving your explicit consent to do
      so during the check out process. You provide this consent by checking out
      and submitting your data to us.

    1. How Do We Use Your Personal Data?

      We use your Personal Data for the purposes for which you provided it,
      including to:

      •fulfill your product or service needs;

      •register your online account;

      •maintain our own accounts for billing and delivery;

      •advise you about products, services, offers, or events that may be of
      interest to you; and

      •provide customer service to you.

      We may also use your Personal Data or Log Data to administer our internal
      business activities, including to: •design and arrange the Site content
      and functionality in the most user-friendly manner;

      •better understand customer trends and requirements and visitors to the

      •create non-personally identifiable data to be used for marketing;

      •detect unauthorized activity on the Site;

      •manage your account; and

      •provide a service that is reliable, responsive, and efficient.

      In addition, we may use third-party services and advertising networks,
      such as Google Display Network or Google Analytics, that collect, monitor,
      and analyze Log Data to deliver online behavioral advertising that serves
      ads to you on our behalf on other sites throughout the Internet. We may
      also contract with third-party vendors to send information to customers whom
      we think may be interested in our products or services.

    2. How Do We Share Your Personal Data?

           No Sale of Personal Data

         We will not sell your Personal Data to third parties, including third party
          advertisers. There are, however, certain circumstances in which we may
          disclose, transfer, or share your Personal Data with certain third parties
          after obtaining your consent. By checking out and submitting your Personal Data
          to us, you expressly consent to our sharing your Personal Data, as set forth below.

           Sharing Personal Data With Affiliates, Successors, and Agents

          For purposes consistent with this Privacy Policy, we may share your Personal
          Data with:

          •our parent companies, subsidiaries, and/or affiliates;

          •successors who acquire your Personal Data if we sell, merge, reorganize,
          dissolve, or similarly change our ownership or corporate structure;

         •other companies we engage to perform business-related functions, such as:

    - vendors
    who provide services to us or our customers;

    - marketing agencies;

    - database service providers;

    - backup and disaster recovery service providers;

    - email service providers; and

    - payment processors.

    Sharing Data Through Social Media

    We work with social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest,
    Twitter, TikTok, and Google, and with application developers who specialize in
    social commerce so you can connect to us, share your interests, express
    opinions about products and services, purchase our products, and generate
    interest in our products and services among members of your social networks.

    Using these integrated tools enables you to share your Personal Data with other
    individuals or the public, depending on the settings that you have established
    with social networking websites. If you use third party social media features
    available on our Site, we or the third party may collect or share your data,
    including your Personal Data.

    If you do not want us to be able to access information about you, including
    Personal Data, from Third Party Sites, you must limit data collection and
    disclosure in the privacy settings on the Third Party Sites. We reserve the
    right to remove the Personal Data or other data of any person for any reason
    we, in our sole discretion, deem appropriate.

    Legally Compelled Disclosure of Personal Data

    We may disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in our
    good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

    •comply with a legal obligation;

    •protect or defend our rights, interests, or property, or that of third

    •prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Site;

    •act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the
    Site or the public; or

    •protect against legal liability.

    1. What Are Your Rights About The Processing Of Your Personal Data?

      You have the right to consent or withdraw your consent to the processing
      of your Personal Data at any time, subject to exceptions defined by law.
      If you change your privacy preferences in the future, that will not limit
      the lawfulness of any processing performed based on your prior consent. To
      withdraw consent, please email us at 
      [[email protected]] and specify what you would
      like us to do. You may have additional rights, under the laws of your jurisdiction,
      with which we comply.

      To stop email communications from us, you can also follow the unsubscribe
      instructions set forth at the bottom of our promotional e-mail messages.
      You may also access and correct some of your Personal Data by logging into
      your online account, if you have one. If you choose to limit our use of
      your Personal Data, you may not have access to certain functionality of
      the Site, such as promotions, product information, or opportunities.

    2. How We Secure Your Personal Data

      We secure your Personal Data by: keeping Personal Data up to date; storing
      and destroying it securely; not collecting or retaining excessive amounts
      of data; protecting Personal Data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access
      and disclosure, alteration, and destruction; and ensuring that appropriate
      technical measures are in place to protect Personal Data. However, no
      network, server, database, or Internet or e-mail transmission, is ever
      fully secure or error free. Therefore, you should take special care in
      deciding what Personal Data you send to us electronically. 

    1. How Long Will We Keep Your Personal Data

      We will retain your personal data as long as necessary to carry out the
      function for which you provided it to us, including maintenance of your
      active or subscription account. You may close your account, unsubscribe to
      emails, and otherwise limit our use of your Personal Data by contacting
      us. However, unless you also request deletion of your personal data, we
      may retain it for an additional period as is permitted or required under
      applicable laws. Even if we delete your Personal Data, it may persist on
      backup or archival media for an additional period.

    2. How Do We Use Cookies?

    What Are Cookies?

    A cookie is a piece of information that is placed on your web browser or device
    when you access and/or use the Site. Cookies store text and can later be read
    back by the Site or third parties. Cookies can remember the information you
    access on one webpage to simplify your subsequent interactions with the Site or
    to use the information to streamline your transactions on related webpages.

    What Do You Use Cookies For?

    We use cookies to recognize your browser and you as a unique visitor to the
    Site through an anonymous unique identifier. We use cookies to:

    •monitor and analyze how you use the Site;

    •remember your preferences to make your online experience easier and more

    •route Site traffic to effectively distribute the Site workload across servers;

    •test new features.

    In the future, we may use cookies placed by third parties to deliver focused
    online banner advertisements to you both on and off the Site.

    How You Can Manage Cookies

    You can manage cookies through your web browser's option settings. You may be able to be notified when you are receiving new cookies and disable or delete cookies. Please refer to your web browser's help section for information on whether you can and how to do this.

    Many of the third party technologies that enable targeted banner advertising also allow you to opt out. Such third party service providers include Adroll, Rubicon, Google, Media Math, Perfect Audience, Quantcast, Retargeter, and Yahoo! among others. You can control your preferences directly with each such third party service provider.

    You can learn more about cookies at the following third-party websites:

    •All About Cookies:;

    •Network Advertising Initiative:

    Note that if you disable, delete, or refuse to accept cookies, you may not be
    able to use some features of the Site and/or some of our pages might not
    display properly.

    Do Not Track (DNT) is an optional browser setting that allows you to express
    your preferences regarding tracking by advertisers and other third-parties. We
    do not currently respond to DNT signals. Therefore, please be advised that
    third party web analytics companies may collect information about your online
    activities over time and across our website and other online properties.

    1. What Data Is Not Covered By The Privacy Policy?

      The limitations in and requirements of this Privacy Policy do not apply to:

    Third Party Sites:
    •Third Party Sites: 

    Any data you disclosed on websites not operated or controlled by us (“Third Party
    Sites”), even though we may provide links to them on the Site or in our emails.
    We are not responsible for the policies and practices employed by, or the
    content of such,
    Third Party Sites. We suggest contacting those sites directly for information
    about their privacy policies and practices.

    •Non-Personally Identifiable Data: Any non-personally identifiable data we
    collect, including, without limitation, Log Data, domain names of your Internet
    Service Provider, your approximate geographic location, a record of your usage
    of the Site, the time of your usage, and aggregated personally identifiable
    information, but only to the extent the foregoing cannot be used to
    specifically identify you.

    •Aggregated Personal Data: Any
    Personal Data that can no longer be used to identify you will be treated as
    non-personally identifiable data under this Privacy Policy.

    1. We Do Not Collect The Personal Data of Children

      We do not intentionally or knowingly collect any Personal Data from
      children under the age of eighteen (18), nor do we target our emails to
      them. Children under the age of eighteen (18) should not submit any
      Personal Data through the Site. We encourage parents and legal guardians
      to monitor their children's use of the Internet and instruct them to never
      provide Personal Data through the Site. If you believe a child under the
      age of eighteen (18) may have provided Personal Data to us through the
      Site, please contact us at 
      [[email protected]], and we will use reasonable efforts to delete it from the Site and
      our files.

    2. International Privacy Laws

      If you are visiting the Site from outside the United States, please be
      aware that you are sending information (including Personal Data) to the
      United States where our servers are located. [Please
      confirm if true] That information may then be transferred
      within the United States or back out of the United States depending on the
      type of information and how it is stored by us. We will hold and process
      your Personal Data in accordance with privacy laws in the United States
      and this Privacy Policy. Please note that privacy laws in the United States
      may not be the same as, and in some cases may be less protective than,,
      the privacy laws in your country, and while in the United States, Personal Data may be subject to
      lawful access requests by government agencies. 

    3. What If We Change This Privacy Policy?

      We may occasionally make changes to this Privacy Policy. If we wish to use
      your Personal Data for a new purpose not covered by this Privacy Policy,
      we will provide you with a new Privacy Policy explaining this new use
      prior to commencing the processing of your Personal Data pursuant to the
      new Privacy Policy and setting out the relevant purposes and processing
      conditions. If we change this Privacy Policy, your checking the box prompt
      before submitting Personal Data to us will signify your express consent to
      new uses of your Personal Data.

    4. How You Can Resolve A Privacy Dispute With Us

      If you have a complaint about this Privacy Policy or our privacy
      practices, we will work with you in an attempt to resolve your complaint.
      Please contact us at 
      [[email protected]]. Please also refer to the arbitration procedures described in the
      Dispute Resolution section of the Site’s Terms of Use. BY CHECKING THE BOX

      To initiate an arbitration proceeding, you must send us a notice of your
      complaint that includes a written statement of your name, address, and
      contact information, the facts giving rise to your complaint, and the
      relief you are requesting (the “Dispute Notice”). The Dispute Notice must
      be addressed to: [[email protected]] and sent to us by
      certified mail as described in the Dispute Resolution section of the
      Site’s Terms of Use. If we do not reach an agreement to resolve your
      privacy complaint within sixty (60) days after we receive your Dispute
      Notice, you may commence an arbitration proceeding under the Dispute
      Resolution section of the Site’s Terms of Use.

    5. How Can I Contact You?

      If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, our practices, or
      your dealings with us, or to exercise any and all of your rights, please
      contact us at [[email protected]].